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Septarian Rough

Septarian Rough

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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  1. Nurturing and Grounding: Septarian is thought to have grounding and nurturing energies. It is believed to help individuals feel more connected to the Earth and establish a sense of stability.

  2. Emotional Healing: Some people use septarian for emotional healing, claiming that it can assist in releasing emotional blockages and fostering emotional balance. It may be used to address feelings of fear, anxiety, or stress.

  3. Enhanced Communication: Septarian is associated with improved communication skills. It is believed to encourage open and honest communication, making it easier for individuals to express their thoughts and feelings.

  4. Harmony and Unity: Septarian is believed to promote harmony and unity. It is thought to assist in bringing people together, fostering cooperation, and enhancing relationships.

  5. Psychic Abilities: In metaphysical traditions, septarian is sometimes associated with the development of psychic abilities. It is believed to stimulate intuition and enhance spiritual insight.

  6. Self-Healing: Some individuals use septarian for self-healing purposes, claiming that it can support the body's natural healing processes. It may be used in meditation or energy work to promote overall well-being.

  7. Enhanced Creativity: Septarian is thought to stimulate creativity and innovation. It may be used by artists or individuals looking to tap into their creative potential.

  8. Chakra Balancing: Septarian is often associated with the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra. It is believed to help balance and align these energy centers, promoting vitality and a sense of personal power.

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